阿德科特学子说丨“The Government Inspector” 背后的故事

3月1日在学校报告厅演出的戏剧表演“The Government Inspector” 在大家的热烈掌声中落下帷幕。戏剧包容着创作、沟通以及舞台等等,从而释放出巨大的艺术产能,这些都考验着我们的戏剧社的同学们。

正所谓台上一分钟台下十年功,这出精彩纷呈的戏剧表演背后有着怎样的欢笑和泪水?让我们聚焦我们这次戏剧表演的导演——G1 1班的Esther,让她告诉我们这出戏背后的故事。


When we finished our performance and went up to the stage, everyone was clapping and I saw a crying face among the crowd. I felt moved and impressed as well. When I first saw the script of ‘The Government Inspector’, I was shocked, because it is such a long story - 30 pages in total. I felt this task challenging and desperate. We didn’t know anything about the history of thatera and we didn’t have much time to practice. But, after all, we had to carry on.

In the first 2 weeks we just got familiar with our own lines and tried to remember them. There was no decoration, no designing particular positions and no costumes, because we were just reading our script. I did feel a little worried about that, but afterwards, with Mr. Worley‘s help, we gradually got on the right way. Sofia and I drew three sketches for the three scenes, which represented the position of props to make everyone clearer about the whole story.



I trained the students to be more familiar to their “cue”, and to know when to get on the stage and when to speak. We bought some costumes. We had a limited budget. With Nancy’s help, we counted how much money we needed and which costumes we all wanted.These costumes were not only simple clothes, but also suggested the type of particular character each actor should be. Dressing in these costumes gave us more confidence.  


In the meantime many problems existed. We were running out of time to rehearse, the costumes didn’t arrive on time and our voices needed to be loud enough without microphones.Fortunately, everything went back to the right way. Just before the day of the performance we rehearsed in the class and also in the dormitory, in order toget ready for the big day. The result was beyond my expectation. Even though we were nervous, I think we saved the best performance for the final day. 



I am very grateful to Mr Worley and my classmates. I also want to thank Skylor and Phoebe for designing the beautiful tickets and Miss Vivian for supporting and helping to organise us. They are really wonderful. Good preparation, strong voices, and of course, confidence all helped make this a memorable event for the audience.


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